The long-awaited KIBATA denim added to EDWIN concept shop EDS standard series.
What is KIBATA in the first place? How does it differ from regular selvedge denim? The fascination is explained.

Vintage texture
For normal denim, after weaving, it’s usually subjected to finishing processes such as shrink-proofing (sanforized), anti-twisting (skew), and singeing to maintain uniform quality. KIBATA denim, on the contrary has not undergone these finishing processes.
The fabric taken this process is much comfortable to wear and handle, but "KIBATA Denim" without the process gives the fabric unevenness and distortion, which allows you to enjoy the color fading that only vintage denim can offer.

What is finishing process?
Shrink-proofing: A process that shrinks the fabric in advance, making it less likely to shrink after washing and drying.
Anti-twisting: A treatment that prevents twisting of sewn seams after sewing due to wearing and washing.
Singeing: A process to clean the surface by burning with a burner to remove fluff, etc.,
The process is indispensable in today’s world, where mass production and quality assurance are more important than ever. However, KIBATA has its own unique characteristics, and you can enjoy growing your own color fading.
KIBATA will be special jeans for you
Compared to normal denim, its bigger shrinkage makes the weave structure tighten and uneven. As a result, the color changes in a rough and vintage-like fading. Also, the twisting of the fabric causes the side edge (fading by selvedges) to be inside, just like vintage jeans from an era when no finishing process was done.
Enjoy the different aging effects of different materials
In our concept shop, we have 2 different fabrics for “EDS” jeans series. One is standard fabric with finishing process, which provide sharp and clean fading. The other is KIBATA introduced this time, which change roughly and ruggedly like vintage denim.
EDS KIBATA Regular Straight
Lot : EDS03-389
Size : 28,29,30,31,32,33,34,36 inch
Price : 22,000 yen (tax included)